Surf and Sand ~ Hasta La Vista Costa Rica

“Every time I stand before a beautiful beach, its waves seem to whisper to me.” – Psyche Roxas-Mendoza

As we wrapped up our time in Costa Rica, the last leg was at a beautiful beach resort in Tamarindo. Our hotel was right on the beach with three gorgeous pools and all the amenities that one could hope for.

I got to enjoy this gorgeous sunset from my perch in the hotel bar as the day gradually hushed into night and we were left with beautiful tiffany lanterns swaying in the breeze and a mariachi band to entertain us as we enjoyed our Pina Colada’s.

I enjoyed the contrasts of all that Costa Rica has to offer and would love to go back again to the simple pace and beautiful vista’s

Holding my complimentary welcome drink voucher, I found a table at the very edge of the resort property separated from the beach by a low wall. I had a ball people watching and soaking in the atmosphere in the best position to enjoy the spectacular sunset that followed.

Several members of our group stopped by my table at various intervals through the evening for a chat, a drink or a snack. What a great way to relax and unwind after a long day traveling.

There was a group that was taking a surfing lesson. They carried their surf boards into the water, boys and girls and then they practiced riding the waves into the shore. It was almost mesmerizing to see how each one fared and celebrating with the ones that were able to stand on the surf board and fly.

Horse riding on the beach? this family seems to be having a great time, splashing in the shallows and looking at the incredible views.

Birds were twittering, monkeys were chattering and there were hawkers trying to sell all manner of goods to the people on the beach and the people like us seated close to the beachfront.

I was tempted by the massage tables set up on the beach but chose instead to use the massage offered by the resort which was also outdoors in sight of the surf and sand but slightly more private.

As I chatted with the masseuse telling her that I was happy at all the wild life we saw but missed the abundance that I expected when she pointed out and this Iguana was striding majestically along the grassy verge close to where the massage stations for the resort were set up. Only in Costa Rica!

Then came this beautiful squirrel chattering furiously and quickly climbing up the tree along the path to get out of my way. I had just finished telling the masseuse that while we had seen many different species of animals some of them had been far and away in trees. She did invite me to come visit her and take pictures of the howler monkeys who haunted her backyard but due to lack of time I had to decline her generous invitation.

As we drove across the country, we made a pit stop at a local bakery and found these scarlet macaws in the trees. The first one was a bit high a guy with a sophisticated camera commiserated with me about my iPhone 13. While that picture did not come out the best mostly because there was a wall between me and the tree but this other macaw was just waiting for me to walk up and take his picture. My iPhone camera did just fine, thank you very much.

We were here during what is called the transition time where the weather is moving towards the dry. We were also incredibly lucky to have almost no rain at all during our visit. We were told by one of the locals that if we truly want to see abundant wild life then we need to brave the rain and come in September.

Driving back along the ocean heading into San Jose for our final evening we saw the locals enjoying their casual accommodations and barbeques on the beach. The local farmers brought their produce and sold them from roadside stalls. They had refrigeration units where they cooled fruit and I got to enjoy fresh coconut water. My companion had never tasted fresh coconut water before; I might have a new convert.

In San Jose we did a walking tour to explore what the city has to offer. The fabulous Teatro Nacionales that was first opened in 1897.

The Gold Museum with the beautiful gold ornaments and pre-Columbian artifacts. The most moving thing I found here is the film made by the local indigenous people that talks about protecting and nurturing the environment.

The National Park houses the national monument which celebrates Costa Rica’s victory over William Walker and the Filibusters. In the park near the statue was this evolution of man statue that I found quite fascinating and different.

The wings of Angel, exhibit in a park in San Jose. In the background is the open-air amphitheater where locals come to perform and showcase their talents.

It’s been an incredible 12 days in Costa Rica. Sorry to have to say Good bye but all good things must come to an end.


Happy Holidays!


In The Cloud Forest Monteverde,Costa Rica