Homeward Bound - Salt Lake Pretty
“It's always good to be back in Salt Lake City.” - Jimmer Fredette
Once upon a time, a long long time ago, I used to spend a day a month in Salt Lake. While it was usually business I got to know the city and it’s surroundings as well on longer stops. Then I changed jobs and Salt Lake City became lost in the annals of my memories.
As I planned my American Parks Odyssey, I decided on the finale with the train journey and a day stop over in Salt Lake City to brush out the cobwebs and renew my acquaintance with the city before taking the flight back home.
After almost ten days of beautiful sunshine I was greeted with clouds with a threat of rain and even snow depending on where I wanted to explore. Since snow was forecast in Park City I cancelled that segment of my trip not wanting to take the chance of perhaps missing my flight but I spent a delightful half day wandering around the city and even making my way to the great Salt Lake that I did not recall ever visiting before.
I arrived at the hotel early AM after my memorable overnight ride on the Amtrak. From the moment I checked in and saw the bicycle and birds in the lobby next to the registration desk, I knew this visit was going to be differently memorable.
After a short nap and quick shower I set off on my exploration of the city. My first stop of the day was the beautiful Cathedral of the Madeline. A catholic church with a Romanesque exterior and gothic interior. Some times it feels like Europe is closer than one might think as you travel the various cities within the United States.
Colorful murals in bright colors painted in Byzantine, Spanish, Gothic and Modern styles decorate the church. The striking blue and starred ceiling signifies the vault of heaven. There is a large baptismal font at the back of the church with beautiful tiled in jeweled colors.
The Organ which consists of 4,066 pipes stands in a gothic case designed to match the woodwork of the interior.
The Utah State Capitol is one of the city’s most prominent landmarks. It has been home to the state government since it’s opening in 1916.
I could almost believe I am somewhere in the Alps instead of Memory Grove Park on my drive around the city.
The view of the city from Capitol Hill.
In search of fall colors and awesome views stopped at Ensign Downs Park. By the following morning the snow covered hills would reflect a lot more snow but I was content with this beautiful burst of sunshine and the beautiful views.
For all my prior trips to the city I had never visited the lake itself so I made sure to add it to my itinerary this trip.
The Great Salt Lake is the largest remnant of ancient Lake Bonneville left in the basin and the largest lake west of the Mississippi River and one of the saltiest bodies of water on Earth, more than four to eight times saltier than the ocean.
The water level was very low and with the impending rain this area was quite deserted with the boats etc. all parked in their slips.
The Bingham Copper Mine was not on my itinerary but since it is located across from the Great Salt Lake we were able to incorporate it. Some fun facts: this area is the largest copper producer in the United States with the Bingham Copper Mine has produced more than any other mine.
The Mormon temple and temple square was all behind scaffolding with the massive repair and construction work going on in that area. After some driving around the city, viewing the scaffoldings surrounding the construction areas we ended up at our last stop for the day, This Is The Place, a heritage park that marks the end of the Mormon Trail.
Step back in time and learn about Utah in it’s early settlement stages through movies, statues, and buildings. I had wanted to visit the Red Butte Garden but the day was waning and the rain starting so I picked up food and called it a day.