Live simply, care deeply, speak kindly ~ Ronald Reagan
At the entrance to the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” - Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan served as the 40th president of the United States of America from 1981 to 1989. A president with one of the highest approval ratings of any president of the United States of America. He had previously served as governor of California after a career as a Hollywood actor.
A friend of mine recently lent me a book that talks about 10000 step walks in and around the Los Angeles, California area. Featured in these was a walk in Studio City that talked about a little church on Coldwater Canyon not far from my home where Nancy and Ronald Reagan took their marriage vows.
I decided that it’s fitting to pay tribute to a national and local hero by revisiting the Reagan Library as a part of my explore Los Angeles initiative. From a timing perspective in addition to the expansions to the library exhibit itself there were a few additional incentives such as the Christmas tree and FBI special exhibits.
At the entrance of the library, graced by the seal of the President of the United States in front of a portrait of the great man himself. He left office with a 68% approval rating and won his second term by a landslide a 97.8% sweep of the electoral college votes.
A replica of the oval office and the resolute desk from his tenure.
A bronze of President Reagan riding his horse, a happy place for him.
Marine One
Air Force One pavilion. Visitors have the opportunity to walk through this floating white house and see how business was conducted. As we walked through the back of the plane where the press corps usually travel, the guide told us that President Reagan decided that the Press Corp should pay for the privilege of riding on Airforce One.
President Reagan was a strong advocate for freedom and during his lifetime brokered the fall of the iron curtain and the fall of the Berlin Wall a piece of which is memorialized here at the library.
Peace through Strength was President Reagan’s motto. He built and modernized the US military even as he brokered peace and the fall of communism.
The Christmas tree exhibit featured 23 beautifully decorated trees represented the various countries that the president and first lady visited during their term in office. I chose this one to showcase because I had just visited Costa Rica and also because I really loved the colorful and distinctive decoration.
The FBI exhibit takes us from Al Capone to Al Qaida and shows us behind the scenes look at the FBI. It’s fun to explore the exhibit and perhaps try your hand at the firing range and other interactive parts of the exhibit. This exhibit runs till the end of February.
This little church on Coldwater Canyon in Studio City which started it all.