Splendid Abu Dhabi
“Thirty years ago, we had no buildings, and when we saw buildings in other countries, we used to envy them and wonder how we could convince our people to be satisfied with what they had.” - HH Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.
With the discovery of oil and his own vision Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, founder of the United Arab Emirates definitely changed this scenario for his people. It is now the rest of the world that looks up to Abu Dhabi and Dubai for the beautiful architecture and all the delights they have to offer visitors to their country.
Notable, are the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque with its gleaming white marble, precious stones, gold, and glass displays. The Louvre Abu Dhabu which is a singular demonstration of a partnership between France and the United Arab Emirates and plan for a host of new and upcoming architectural marvels in the plan.
Let’s spend a couple of days wandering through what this capital city of the United Arab Emirates has to offer.
As we made our way from Dubai towards Abu Dhabi, we stopped at the Al Ain Desert Museum and Oasis. At the Oasis we got to see a man climb up a palm tree to harvest dates in less time than it would take one of us to say Jack Robbins.
Before liquid gold was found under the desert sands, the Emiratis were nomads who lived under the tents as they wandered from oasis to oasis. A typical leader’s tent set up for an evening majlis.
Brick and mortar replaced tents and desert palaces were built and the majlis under the awning shifted to richly appointed rooms.
Since all this bounty would not exist without oil, here in the heart of the city is a nod to the first oil well drilled. Abu Dabhi is the wealthiest Emirate with the bulk of the oil. It was Sheikh Zayed who had the vision to bring his neighbors together, share the wealth and create the United Arab Emirates.
The beautiful Corniche where sun, sand and sea collide to form a beautiful destination with restaurants and hotels.
The most lavish of them all; the Emirati Palace Hotel. The lush opulent architecture hints at the lavish splendor of the rooms to be found. Alas you must have a room reservation or restaurant reservation to visit.
I considered trying to visit there for an afternoon high tea but then passed on that for a superb massage at my hotel. I am pretty sure that I made a good trade.
The All Glass Leaning Tower of Abu Dhabi.
The Founder’s Memorial is a permanent national tribute dedicated to commemorating the life, legacy and values of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the founding father of the UAE.
The center piece of the Founder’s Memorial is the Constellation. Housed in a 30m-high pavilion, The Constellation contains 1,327 geometric shapes suspended on 1,110 cables to create a series of evolving personal encounters with Sheikh Zayed’s image.
By night, the suspended shapes shine like stars, a reminder of Sheikh Zayed’s role as a guiding light for the UAE and its people. This celestial display evokes the timelessness of Sheikh Zayed’s vision, which continues to guide the UAE along the path to progress and prosperity.
The Constellation is one of the largest art installations of its kind in the world and is unique in its use of abstract portraiture on this scale.
Water has an endless fascination for these desert states. These beautiful fountains in the heart of the city.
With eighty-two white marbled domes, the Grand Mosque Sheikh Al Zayed is one of the largest mosques in the world. Fifty thousand devotees can pray at one time in this beautiful house of God.
Constructed of marble with precious stone and gold and crowned with beautiful chandeliers artisans from around the world collaborated to create this beauty. Since there really is a lot to share and visit, I will do a separate walk through the beauty and architecture of this attraction.
As you clear security and get ready to visit the mosque itself, you’ll be walking the Tolerance path getting you in the right framework.
Anecdotally tolerance is one of the abiding values of Sheikh Zayed which will account for the first synagogue in the Arab world being built right here in Abu Dhabi.
The Louvre Abu Dhabi is a unique collaboration between France and UAE. At the price tag of $500 million the UAE will be able to use the Louvre name for a number of years as well as on the payment of an additional $750million have the Louvre curate a collection from the Louvre and other French museums for display here in Abu Dhabi.
The architecture with its metal domes covering individual buildings (galleries) on an island is unique. I think the architecture is almost more awesome that the art itself and deserves a deeper look.
As you head towards the exit you’ll come across this life-like tree structure reaching out toward the sky, created by Giuseppe Penone.
One of the first contemporary works commissioned for the Louvre Abu Dhabi. This bronze structure is a cast of a wild cherry tree, chosen from close to Penone’s own home near Turin.
Living close to the sea, the Emirati’s were fishermen and pearl divers before they discovered oil. A visit to the UAE would be incomplete without a nod to the traditional boats. This one is moored just outside the Louvre and provides interesting glimpses as you walk between the galleries.