Happy New Year

“May this New Year take you to places you’ve never been before “.

After the famine of 2020, 2021 got off on a slow start but 2022 has been the banner year where I managed to check off a lot of bucket list items. It’s also been a banner year on the personal front, what with a new grandbaby and a new daughter to welcome.

May 2023 continue the trend and may God grant me good health, walking legs and strength to continue to pursue my travel goals. To all the friends out there and new ones yet to be made, may this New Year fulfill all your dreams and hopes and many new stamps on your passport.

2022 kicked off right with the new year and a trip to Dubai and Abu Dabi to visit the World Expo 2022. The one thing I discovered is that Dubai is always a good idea since the city reinvents itself every few years and is always fresh and new.

The Burj Kalifa I believe is still the tallest building in the world so after a trip to the top, I visited for a nighttime view of the dancing fountains and beautiful lights and delicious dinner.

It was however my first-time visiting Abu Dhabi which I really enjoyed despite the covid testing that was still a part of the travel journey. I grew up in India, so I thought I was prepared for my visit to the Grand Mosque. Think again.

Luckily, I had a full sleeved sweatshirt that did the cover up trick on my chiffon sleeves. Thankfully I was able to shed it after the mosque visit.

I live in Southern California and sail boats like this are a familiar sight on the ocean and marinas close to home. This picture however is taken in Tel Aviv. One of the joys of traveling, some things are new and different while others stay constant.

My dream trip finally came to fruition and what a trip it was. I refreshed old connections and made new lifetime connections on this trip.

Here at the Western Wall. While I’m not Jewish, I stuffed my prayer note in a crack, shed a few tears full of emotion at being here and constantly pinched myself to confirm that I am awake and not dreaming.

Yes! my arm was black and blue, but it faded all to soon.

Petra, my Seventh wonder. I’m not one to count but as we approached Petra our guide was counting off the 7 wonders of the modern world and I realized that I had hit a milestone. I can’t believe that I’ve visited them all.

I loved Jordan which is a lot more than Petra but Wowzah. Petra is definitely unforgettable.

Another dream realized. The Military Tattoo at Edinburgh. After two years of darkness the show was back with a bang and what a show. I truly enjoyed my entire journey through England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Cornwall seeing new sites and revisiting others, but this evening was the absolute highlight.

I took my children to England for the first time when they were 4 and 7. We spent a jam packed 7 days exploring a combination of history and adventure. That first time we took a boat from Westminster Pier and sailed down the Thames to Greenwich to visit the museum and observatory.

This time around we took the Tube and actually traveled on the new Victoria line thanks to my cousins to make our way here. What a difference the years make. I definitely did not remember the distance that we walked and am sure that I did not huff and puff up the hill but nevertheless we made it.

What a gorgeous day and beautiful sights of London from the top of the hill but more than that, I achieved my goal of standing on the Prime Meridian.

And then blessed to be in Quito and visit the Equator. 2022 the year of Zero longitude and latitude.

St. John’s co-cathedral in Malta, described as an explosion of Baroque. It is one of the most decorated and most gorgeous churches that I have seen, and I saw some truly memorable ones this summer after believing that I had seen them all before.

And then we had a new baby in the family. A baby brother for Shaan. Another grandbaby for wandering Veena. Welcome baby Dilan What a joy you are.

She said “Yes”. Welcoming a new daughter to the family. My cup overflows.

Not all my travels were international. A quick trip to Seattle to see the tulip fields in the Skagit Valley near Seattle in Washington State. I plan to finally make it to the Keukenhof to see the tulips this spring.

A weekend trip to see family in San Diego gave me the opportunity for some off the beaten track wandering there. The Barrio Logan with its beautiful colorful murals and illuminating stories.

Starting in 2021 I’ve been on the Mission Trail, exploring the California missions. I have visited most of them except for a few in central California but closer to home, the Queen of the Missions in Santa Barbara.

Sipping cocktails at the Amazon Rain Forest enjoying the sun setting over the river. What a finale to my travels in 2022. Wish you and me many new sunrises and sunsets in different parts of the globe. Peace and good health to all and a wonderful year of love, hope and joy.


Santa Barbara, California


Norway ~ Beyond the Scenic Beauty