E Hoomau Maua Kealoha

Lookout point overlooking Honolulu.

“The loveliest fleet of islands that lies anchored in any ocean.” - Mark Twain

“E Hoomau Maua Kealoha” ~ May our love last forever.

Looking back one year later to my first grand adventure in 2021 after the long hiatus in 2020. I spent a few days in Kona before I made my way to Oahu and Honolulu for some wandering with family.

I arrived in the late afternoon, early evening and quickly dropped off my luggage before making our way complete with picnic to the loveliest view and the most gorgeous sunset.

Spectacular sunset! what a wonderful omen for the rest of my trip here on Oahu.

The next day we did the scenic drive around the island. Our first stop was at the Halona Blowhole where we watched the spray.

The Haloma beach was right next to the scenic overlook parking. The crystal-clear waters were so inviting but we had places to see and miles to go before we could make a beach stop that morning.

The Makapu’u lookout point with a great view of the Manana rock shaped like a conic China man’s hat. While we were ascending the steps an older woman took a tumble. It was in the days when fears of COVID were still strong and both the old lady and my nephew who instinctively reached out to give her a hand hesitated for a moment.

The first thing I heard when I landed was about the weather and how quickly it changes and how many rainbows abounded in the sky. Rainbows however proved to be quite elusive during my three days here. That afternoon after completing our drive around the island, the heavens finally heard my pleas, and the sky was painted with this beauty.

Alas no pot of gold but I was extremely happy to have achieved my goal.

I had tasted the Hawaiin delicacy on Kona, but I was told that Leonards Bakery was the place for Malasadas.

A trip to Oahu would be incomplete without a stop at Waikiki Beach.

Despite the strict regulations at the time for the state of Hawaii, visitors and locals were having a great time enjoying the sun, sand and water.

“A hui hou” - Aloha! until we meet again.


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