Desert Gardens And Lily Ponds For A Change Of Weekend Pace
Given the continuing drought in California, USA and my recent sojourn up the coast I decided to venture back to The Huntington for a visit to the desert gardens this weekend. Of course once I arrived at the Huntington I decided to add a few more items to my scramble including my favorite Chinese garden here.
While the temperature was slightly cooler, I heard the UV index was dangerously high so I tried to stay in the shade as much as possible even with my hat and skin adequately protected. It’s inevitable that all this weekend wandering under the hot summer sun is going to leave me shaded light and dark on my face, arms, feet and legs.
Cactus as you can see are much more than spines and sharp edges. I thoroughly enjoyed my walk through this beautiful drought resistant landscaping. if I thought I had a chance to plant some seeds and have a thriving container garden I’d attempt some of the plants that I saw out there this weekend. Alas I love gardens of all kinds but they definitely don’t love me; green thumb I don’t have.
Drought resistant does not have to be ugly or colorless. There’s a huge variety of shapes, sizes, textures and look. I can’t speak to the feel because I did not touch anything particularly staying far way from the needles and spines.
As the afternoon wore on, the thermometer seemed to climb, and all that walking definitely took a toll as I started to wilt and dream about shade and water notwithstanding that bright smile for the camera.
My imagination ran wild when I saw this interesting treelike plant. I should have stopped and taken a picture of the sign but hindsight as they say is 20:20. This reminds me of an aboriginal symbol with dreamtime stories to tell that I wish I had the ears to hear.
Tired and hot, I started to look for the lily ponds. Of course I had no map so I decided to stop a group walking by to ask if they had passed the lily ponds. Luck was with me, not only had I just passed the area where I had to turn in the opposite direction from where I was going to head for the lily ponds but one of the guys in the group used to be a docent here and was able to guide me quite well. I knew luck was with me now and resolved that I would see the turtles by the lily pond (s) which my good Samaritan told me came out for the lucky ones.
I saw some beautiful Koi far more here than in the Japanese garden, black and green turtles and even some water fowl, definitely my lucky afternoon. I decided to tarry a bit and cool off in the shade with the sound of water and soak in this beauty.
I then decided to see if I could take a bit of short cut using a narrow dirt path instead of the paved path. Along the way I came across some interesting flowers, fruits and berries as well as squirrels who seemed more afraid of me than I was of what the rustling might mean for me.
While I had planned on visiting the Australian garden, I found that the short cut I had made me bypass that side and now I was heading towards my favorite here; the Chinese Gardens. Considering they’d just opened a new exhibit and a new eatery here I definitely decided it was a good idea to wander over and spend the rest of my afternoon here.
This view just never gets old. I can just sit here and stare and feel peace and tranquility restoring and refreshing my spirit.
I wandered deeper through the garden and found the Jade Café just as it closed for the day. I resolved to come back and enjoy a meal here the next time I visited and also hopefully take in the new exhibit of calligraphy scrolls that has just opened as well. I did manage to get a beautiful picture of the bridge and it’s reflection in the water as I walked along a parallel path.
There is something about these windows and the changing views that always captures my imagination causing me to snap a picture or two.
Tired, thirsty and hungry I headed for the exit and bypassed the newly blooming corpse flowers as well as the newly reopened children’s garden saving the latter for another day when I can visit perhaps with my grandson in tow. Another weekend, another adventure. This place has so much to offer plus I’m a member here so don’t be surprised to hear about more sections of this wonderful Los Angeles, California, USA landmark.